The Journal of Wild Culture

Ways to think about the recent US election . . . and reasons to believe in progress. Interview with Henry Giroux.
Forget "dirt is matter out of place", what about, “dirt is
Book review: utopian visions of a bright, sleek permafuture
“What if we wanted to create a virtual copy of the universe
“Beyond the gates, out into the wilderness, is where we are
Views of the Brute Creation in Performance: a symposium
At some point in the future, advancements in technology
LONDON: The big question when bringing art outside the
A short anecdote about (not) stealing a television.
LONDON: Two simultaneous exhibitions examine our attitude
LONDON: Tom Jeffreys speaks to funeral director Poppy
Contemporary art and the ‘heritage’ environment: across the
Lucas Foglia talks about his latest series of photographs