Set Design Maquettes for Broadway Shows

Set Design Maquettes for Broadway Shows
Published: Jan 17, 2024
On a recent trip to New York the partner and I discovered a curious exhibit in a hotel bar — on display were six scale set design maquettes for recent Broadway shows. Work by some of the best set designers in theatre today. Pay them a visit and get an up-close look. Only a couple of blocks from Broadway, in the bar of the Civilian Hotel on 48th Street.

 Book of Mormon_set maquette_wild culture ©2024



 Book of Morman-text.jpg Scenic Design_Scott Pask_journal of wild culture 2024







Harmony (musical) set maquette_wild culture



 Harmony (Musical) text card for set design maquette _ wild culture ©2024








Hadestown_set maquetter_journal of wild culture



Hadestown (musical) scale set design maquette_journal of wild culture ©2024







 Funny Girl_set maquette_journal of wild culture



 Funny Girl_David Zinn text card_journal of wild culture ©2024








Lackawana Blues_musical set maquette_journal of wild culture



Lackawana Blues_musical set maquette_journal of wild culture







Moulin Rouge_musical_scale Set Maquette_journal of wildculture ©2024.jpg




Moulin Rouge_musical_set design_journal of wild culture ©2024






O. FERN has served as the mascot of the Society for the Preservation of Wild Culture since its inception, and before, in preliminal space, when its destiny was unfurled out of the damp grunge of an Ontario floodplain in May.




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