The Journal of Wild Culture

Ways to think about the recent US election . . . and reasons to believe in progress. Interview with Henry Giroux.
On getting one's feathers in a knot. By Kim Hoff.
Through the eyes of Ivan Illich and Bruno Latour. By David
An ear tuned to the sound of prairie winds. Poems by Amy
Honouring the life and work of an influential artist and
“The greatest reimagination of the heavens since Galileo
New ways of offsetting pollinator species loss. By Angela
At the vigil . . . calling in the heart. By Susanne Severeid
On the game of taxes, Leprecaun Economics, inequality
A brilliant graphic artist conjures soul-detail in
Taking inspiration from 40s fashion photographer Clifford
When you find a reptile on the road, what do you do? By
Where people of faith and agnostics and atheists might meet