With so many vigils popping up, why not some of our own? [o]
At this time of shock, outrage and sadness, all Americans must join together as one nation and prepare for the latest NRA Thoughts and Prayers Vigil (pat. pend.), this one in memory of the victims of the violence that occurred Valentine’s Day at a high school in Parkland, Fla.
We look forward to being in Broward County, sharing the shock, outrage and sadness over the loss of 17 lives. As you know, this kind of violence has no place in America. Nor did the kind of violence seen in the many, many mass murders by terrorists, criminals or the mentally ill that have occurred in our beloved country in recent years. It must stop.
There will be live music, a crowd guaranteed to exceed 1,000, free candles and balloons, grief counselors and refreshments . . .
In the meantime, the NRA Vigil offers a full range of services, from press packets to porta-potties, to mark terrible tragedies like this one in Parkland. The casualty count at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School makes Parkland eligible not just for a Value Vigil (five to 10 deaths), or even a Value-Plus Vigil (10 to 15), but a Premium Vigil (15 to 20 victims), at absolutely no cost to the grieving families of the victims, the Broward County school district, or taxpayers.
There will be live music, a crowd guaranteed to exceed 1,000, free candles and balloons, decorations, souvenirs, grief counselors, appropriate signage and banners, plus refreshments. An exciting line-up of celebrities, political and spiritual leaders and inspirational speakers will offer their thoughts and prayers. We also will celebrate the everyday heroes who always step up at times like this, risking their lives to save others, which is what helps make America so great. Make plans today to attend the NRA Valentine’s Day Massacre Vigil, or watch it on TV or live-streaming. You'll be glad you did!

Fraternity takes many forms — food, fun, firearms and . . . fellowship in mourning. [o]
An added bonus: Since the president plans to be relaxing nearby in Palm Beach this weekend, we are sure he will want to pop over to attend the Vigil in Parkland. Don’t miss this historic opportunity to hear him add his thoughts and prayers for the victims and their grieving families, and to note once again that this increasingly common type of violence has no place in America.
The NRA Thoughts and Prayers Vigil is designed to remind all Americans that we, too, mourn the loss of all the innocent victims in each and every one of these massacres, and that our continued freedom depends on the right to own, bear and conceal arms, including AR-15s.
See you in Parkland! ũ

The Vigil joins our weapons of truth against fake news media. [o]
Incidentally . . . news trending in Stuart, Florida, in the Sunday February 25 Treasure Coast Newspaper, a survey question: Do you support new firearms restrictions in the wake of the Florida school shooting? Drew 2,631 responses. The breakdown: Yes — 26 percent; No — 73 percent; Not sure — 1 percent. [o]

FRED FISKE, a contributing editor of The Journal of Wild Culture, is an independent journalist and composer who spent his career in journalism, mostly writing editorials for The Post-Standard newspaper in Syracuse, New York. He majored in history and literature at Harvard and received his masters from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. Having grown up in a foreign service family, living in Bangladesh, Germany, Congo and Iceland, he now lives in Syracuse and Florida.
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